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Area Business Coffee

Besides being a great start to the weekend, Area Business Coffees continue to be the best way to network, socialize, and stay in the know of our community, businesses, and events. We can’t encourage you enough to attend or send a representative from your business each week! If you are a business owner, community members love to see you there and get to know you. This is a great way to do it, and not have to commit a ton of time, as we are guaranteed to be done by 9am!


See our calendar below  for upcoming Area Business Coffees. We also post an event for each ABC on our UCDA Facebook Page.

If you're a business that would like to host an Area Business Coffee, contact us below and we would be happy to get you on the calendar. Your only requirements are to provide coffee and a place to stand.

Area Business Coffee - Barid Law Firm (p
Area Busines Coffee - Brett Street and L
Area Business Coffee - Baird Law Firm (p
Area Business Coffee - The Library (phot
Union County Development Association, Union County, Iowa

Union County Development Association
BLDG 301 
301 W Montgomery
Creston, Iowa 50801

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